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Visvesvaraya Technological University - VTU question papers for Computer Science and Engineering - CSE department/branch semester examination. Download old papers, solved question banks with answer, important questions with answers, Model question papers, important 16 marks and 2 marks questions with answer, syllabus, scheme, notes, reference book for each subject for B.E / B.Tech 2010, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 regulation for VTU university Bangalore, Belagavi, Kalaburagi, Mysore, Gulbarga and Belgaum affiliated colleges.
Find previous year questions papers listed subject wise below in the order first - 1st, second - 2nd, third - 3rd, fourth - 4th, fifth - 5th, sixth - 6th, seventh - 7th and eighth - 8th semesters. All documents are in PDF format for downloading.
Hope this will help you in getting good marks in your semester examination. ALL THE BEST.
First & Second Semester Papers
17MAT31 Engineering Mathematics - III
17CS32 Analog and Digital Electronics
17CS33 Data Structures and Applications
17CS34 Computer Organization
17CS35 Unix and Shell Programming
17CS36 Discrete Mathematical Structures
17MATDIP31 Additional Mathematics –I
17MAT41 Engineering Mathematics - IV
17CS42 Object Oriented Concepts
17CS43 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
17CS44 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
17CS45 Software Engineering
17CS46 Data Communication
17CS51 Management and Entrepreneurship for IT Industry
17CS52 Computer Networks
17CS53 Database Management System
17CS54 Automata theory and Computability
17CS551 Object Oriented Modeling and Design
17CS561 Programming in JAVA
17CS552 Introduction to Software Testing
17CS562 Artificial Intelligence
17CS553 Advanced JAVA and J2EE
17CS563 Embedded Systems
17CS554 Advanced Algorithms
17CS564 Dot Net framework for application development;
17CS565 Cloud Computing
1 17CS61 Cryptography, Network Security and Cyber Law
2 17CS62 Computer Graphics and Visualization
3 17CS63 System Software and Compiler Design
4 17CS64 Operating Systems
17CS651 Data Mining and Data Warehousing
17CS661 Mobile Application Development
17CS652 Software Architecture and Design Patterns
17CS662 Big Data Analytics
17CS653 Operations research
17CS663 Wireless Networks and Mobile computing
17CS654 Distributed Computing system
17CS664 Python Application Programming
17CS665 Service Oriented Architecture
17CS666 Multicore Architecture and Programming
17CS71 Web Technology and its applications
17CS72 Advanced Computer Architectures
17CS73 Machine Learning
17CS741 Natural Language Processing
17CS751 Soft and Evolutionary Computing
17CS742 Cloud Computing and its Applications
17CS752 Computer Vision and Robotics
17CS743 Information and Network Security
17CS753 Digital Image Processing
17CS744 Unix System Programming
17CS754 Storage Area Networks
17CS81 Internet of Things and Applications
17CS82 Big Data Analytics
17CS831 High Performance Computing
17CS832 User Interface Design
17CS833 Network management
17CS834 System Modeling and Simulation
15MAT31 Engineering Mathematics - III
15MATDIP31 Additional Mathematics - I
15CS32 Analog and Digital Electronics
15CS33 Data Structures and Applications
15CS34 Computer Organization
15CS35 Unix and Shell Programming
15CS36 Discrete Mathematical Structures
15MAT41 Engineering Mathematics - IV
15CS42 Software Engineering
15CS43 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
15CS44 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
15CS45 Object Oriented Concepts
15CS46 Data Communication
15CS51 Management and Entrepreneurship for IT Industry
15CS52/15IS52 Computer Networks
15CS53 Database Management System
15CS54/15IS54 Automata theory and Computability
15CS551 Object Oriented Modeling and Design
15CS552 Introduction to Software Testing
15CS553 Advanced JAVA and J2EE
15CS554 Advanced Algorithms
15CS561 Programming in JAVA
15CS562 Artificial Intelligence
15CS564 Dot Net framework for application development
15CS565 Cloud Computing
15CS61 Cryptography, Network Security and Cyber Law
15CS62 Computer Graphics and Visualization
15CS63 System Software and Compiler Design
15CS64 Operating Systems
15CS651 Data Mining and Data Warehousing
15CS652 Software Architecture and Design Patterns
15CS653 Operations research
15CS654 Distributed Computing system
15CS661 Mobile Application Development
15CS664 Python Application Programming
15CS71 Web Technology and its applications
15CS72 Advanced Computer Architectures
15CS73 Machine Learning
15CS741 Natural Language Processing
15CS751 Soft and Evolutionary Computing
15CS742 Cloud Computing and its Applications
15CS752 Computer Vision and Robotics
15CS743 Information and Network Security
15CS753 Digital Image Processing
15CS744 Unix System Programming
15CS754 Storage Area Networks
15CS81 Internet of Things and Applications
15CS82 Big Data Analytics
15CS831 High Performance Computing
15CS832 User Interface Design
15CS833 Network management
15CS834 System Modeling and Simulation
Third Semester - 3rd:
Engineering Mathematics III- 10MAT31
Electronic Circuits - 10CS32
Logic Design - 10CS33
Discrete Mathematical Structures - 10CS34
Data Structures with C/C++ - 10CS35
Object Oriented Programming with C++ - 10CS36/10IS36
Fourth Semester - 4th:
Engineering Mathematics IV - 10MAT41
Graph Theory and Combinatorics - 10CS42
Design and Analysis of Algorithms - 10CS43
Unix and Shell Programming - 10CS44
Microprocessor - 10CS45/10IS45
Computer Organization - 10CS46/10IS46
Fifth Semester - 5th:
Computer Networks I - 10CS55
Database Management Systems - 10CS54/10IS54
Formal Languages and Automata Theory - 10CS56/10IS56
Operating Systems - 10CS53
Software Engineering - 10IS51
Systems Software - 10CS52
Sixth Semester - 6th:
Management and Entrepreneurship - 10AL61
Unix System Programming - 10CS62
Compiler Design - 10CS63
Computer Networks II - 10CS64
Computer Graphics and Visualization - 10IS665/10CS65
Operations Research - 10IS661/10CS661
10CS662 Signals and Systems
10CS663/10IS663 Data Compression
10CS664/10IS664 Pattern Recognition
10CS665 Stochastic Models and Applications
10CS666/10IS666 Programming Languages
Seventh Semester - 7th:
Object Oriented Modelling and Design - 10CS71
Embedded Computing Systems- 10CS72/10IS752
Programming the Web - 10CS73/10IS73
Advanced Computer Architectures - 10CS74
C# Programming and .Net - 10CS761 / 10IS761
Data Warehousing and Data Mining - 10CS755/10IS74
Java and J2EE - 10CS753/10IS753
Digital Image Processing - 10CS762/10IS762
Artificial Intelligence - 10CS764/10IS764
Storage Area Networks - 10CS765/10IS765
10CS751/10IS751 Advanced DBMS 10CS752 Digital Signal Processing
10CS763/10IS763 Game Theory
10CS754/10IS754 Multimedia Computing
10CS756/10IS756 Neural Networks
10CS766/10IS766 Fuzzy Logic
Eighth Semester - 8th:
Software Architectures - 10IS81/10CS81
System Modeling and Simulation - 10CS82
10CS831/10IS831 Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing
Ad-hoc Networks - 10CS841/10IS841
Web 2.0 and Rich Internet Applications - 10IS832/10CS832
Software Testing - 10CS842
10CS843 ARM Based System Design
Network Management Systems - 10CS834/10IS834
Services Oriented Architecture - 10CS844/10IS844
Information and Network Security - 10CS835/10IS835
10CS845/10IS845 Clouds, Grids and Clusters
10CS836/10IS836 Microcontroller-Based Systems
10CS846 Multi-core Architecture and Programming
Find previous year questions papers listed subject wise below in the order first - 1st, second - 2nd, third - 3rd, fourth - 4th, fifth - 5th, sixth - 6th, seventh - 7th and eighth - 8th semesters. All documents are in PDF format for downloading.
Hope this will help you in getting good marks in your semester examination. ALL THE BEST.
First & Second Semester Papers
17MAT31 Engineering Mathematics - III
17CS32 Analog and Digital Electronics
17CS33 Data Structures and Applications
17CS34 Computer Organization
17CS35 Unix and Shell Programming
17CS36 Discrete Mathematical Structures
17MATDIP31 Additional Mathematics –I
17MAT41 Engineering Mathematics - IV
17CS42 Object Oriented Concepts
17CS43 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
17CS44 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
17CS45 Software Engineering
17CS46 Data Communication
17CS51 Management and Entrepreneurship for IT Industry
17CS52 Computer Networks
17CS53 Database Management System
17CS54 Automata theory and Computability
17CS551 Object Oriented Modeling and Design
17CS561 Programming in JAVA
17CS552 Introduction to Software Testing
17CS562 Artificial Intelligence
17CS553 Advanced JAVA and J2EE
17CS563 Embedded Systems
17CS554 Advanced Algorithms
17CS564 Dot Net framework for application development;
17CS565 Cloud Computing
1 17CS61 Cryptography, Network Security and Cyber Law
2 17CS62 Computer Graphics and Visualization
3 17CS63 System Software and Compiler Design
4 17CS64 Operating Systems
17CS651 Data Mining and Data Warehousing
17CS661 Mobile Application Development
17CS652 Software Architecture and Design Patterns
17CS662 Big Data Analytics
17CS653 Operations research
17CS663 Wireless Networks and Mobile computing
17CS654 Distributed Computing system
17CS664 Python Application Programming
17CS665 Service Oriented Architecture
17CS666 Multicore Architecture and Programming
17CS71 Web Technology and its applications
17CS72 Advanced Computer Architectures
17CS73 Machine Learning
17CS741 Natural Language Processing
17CS751 Soft and Evolutionary Computing
17CS742 Cloud Computing and its Applications
17CS752 Computer Vision and Robotics
17CS743 Information and Network Security
17CS753 Digital Image Processing
17CS744 Unix System Programming
17CS754 Storage Area Networks
17CS81 Internet of Things and Applications
17CS82 Big Data Analytics
17CS831 High Performance Computing
17CS832 User Interface Design
17CS833 Network management
17CS834 System Modeling and Simulation
15MAT31 Engineering Mathematics - III
- December 2016 / January 2017
- June / July 2017
- December 2017 / January 2018
- June / July 2018
- December 2018 / January 2019
15MATDIP31 Additional Mathematics - I
15CS33 Data Structures and Applications
15CS34 Computer Organization
15CS35 Unix and Shell Programming
15CS36 Discrete Mathematical Structures
15MAT41 Engineering Mathematics - IV
15MATDIP41 Advanced Mathematics - II
15CS42 Software Engineering
15CS43 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
15CS44 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
15CS45 Object Oriented Concepts
15CS46 Data Communication
15CS51 Management and Entrepreneurship for IT Industry
15CS52/15IS52 Computer Networks
15CS53 Database Management System
15CS54/15IS54 Automata theory and Computability
15CS551 Object Oriented Modeling and Design
15CS552 Introduction to Software Testing
15CS553 Advanced JAVA and J2EE
15CS554 Advanced Algorithms
15CS561 Programming in JAVA
15CS562 Artificial Intelligence
15CS564 Dot Net framework for application development
15CS565 Cloud Computing
15CS61 Cryptography, Network Security and Cyber Law
15CS62 Computer Graphics and Visualization
15CS63 System Software and Compiler Design
15CS64 Operating Systems
15CS651 Data Mining and Data Warehousing
15CS652 Software Architecture and Design Patterns
15CS653 Operations research
15CS654 Distributed Computing system
15CS661 Mobile Application Development
15CS664 Python Application Programming
15CS71 Web Technology and its applications
15CS72 Advanced Computer Architectures
15CS73 Machine Learning
15CS741 Natural Language Processing
15CS751 Soft and Evolutionary Computing
15CS742 Cloud Computing and its Applications
15CS752 Computer Vision and Robotics
15CS743 Information and Network Security
15CS753 Digital Image Processing
15CS744 Unix System Programming
15CS754 Storage Area Networks
15CS81 Internet of Things and Applications
15CS82 Big Data Analytics
15CS831 High Performance Computing
15CS832 User Interface Design
15CS833 Network management
15CS834 System Modeling and Simulation
Third Semester - 3rd:
Engineering Mathematics III- 10MAT31
Electronic Circuits - 10CS32
Logic Design - 10CS33
Discrete Mathematical Structures - 10CS34
Data Structures with C/C++ - 10CS35
Object Oriented Programming with C++ - 10CS36/10IS36
Fourth Semester - 4th:
Engineering Mathematics IV - 10MAT41
Graph Theory and Combinatorics - 10CS42
Design and Analysis of Algorithms - 10CS43
Unix and Shell Programming - 10CS44
Microprocessor - 10CS45/10IS45
Computer Organization - 10CS46/10IS46
Fifth Semester - 5th:
Computer Networks I - 10CS55
- Old Question Papers
- June / July 2013
- JAN 2014 - 06CS55
- JANUARY 2014
- June / July 2014
Database Management Systems - 10CS54/10IS54
Formal Languages and Automata Theory - 10CS56/10IS56
Operating Systems - 10CS53
Software Engineering - 10IS51
Systems Software - 10CS52
Sixth Semester - 6th:
Management and Entrepreneurship - 10AL61
- Notes
- Question Bank
- Old Question Papers
- June / July 2013
- DEC / JAN 2014
- June / July 2014
- December 2017 / January 2018
Unix System Programming - 10CS62
- Notes
- Question Bank
- Old Question Papers
- June / July 2013
- June / July 2014
- December 2017 / January 2018
Compiler Design - 10CS63
- Notes
- Question Bank
- Old Question Papers
- June / July 2013
- DEC / JAN 2014
- June / July 2014
- December 2017 / January 2018
Computer Networks II - 10CS64
- Notes
- Old Question Paper
- June / July 2013
- DEC / JAN 2014
- June / July 2014
- December 2017 / January 2018
Computer Graphics and Visualization - 10IS665/10CS65
- Notes
- Q Bank with Solution
- Old Question Papers
- June / July 2013
- June / July 2014
- December 2017 / January 2018
Operations Research - 10IS661/10CS661
- Notes
- Question Bank
- Old Question Paper
- June / July 2013
- June / July 2014
- December 2017 / January 2018
10CS662 Signals and Systems
10CS663/10IS663 Data Compression
10CS664/10IS664 Pattern Recognition
10CS665 Stochastic Models and Applications
10CS666/10IS666 Programming Languages
Seventh Semester - 7th:
Object Oriented Modelling and Design - 10CS71
- Old Question Papers
- June / July 2013
- JANUARY 2014
- June / July 2014
- December 2017 / January 2018
Embedded Computing Systems- 10CS72/10IS752
- June / July 2013 - 06CS74
- DECEMBER 2012 - 06CS74
- JANUARY 2014 - 06CS74
- June / July 2014
- December 2017 / January 2018
Programming the Web - 10CS73/10IS73
- Old Question Papers
- June / July 2013
- JANUARY 2014
- June / July 2014
- December 2017 / January 2018
Advanced Computer Architectures - 10CS74
- Solved Paper
- JUN / JUL 13 - 06CS81
- JANUARY 2014
- June / July 2014
- December 2017 / January 2018
C# Programming and .Net - 10CS761 / 10IS761
- JUNE 2012 - 06CS761
- JAN 2013 - 06CS761
- JAN 2014 - 06CS761
- JANUARY 2014
- June / July 2014
Data Warehousing and Data Mining - 10CS755/10IS74
- JUNE 2012 - 06CS755
- JAN 2014 - 06CS755
- DEC / JAN 2014
- June / July 2014
Java and J2EE - 10CS753/10IS753
- Old Question Papers
- JANUARY 2013
- JANUARY 2014
- June / July 2014
- December 2017 / January 2018
Digital Image Processing - 10CS762/10IS762
Artificial Intelligence - 10CS764/10IS764
Storage Area Networks - 10CS765/10IS765
10CS751/10IS751 Advanced DBMS 10CS752 Digital Signal Processing
10CS763/10IS763 Game Theory
10CS754/10IS754 Multimedia Computing
10CS756/10IS756 Neural Networks
10CS766/10IS766 Fuzzy Logic
Eighth Semester - 8th:
Software Architectures - 10IS81/10CS81
System Modeling and Simulation - 10CS82
10CS831/10IS831 Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing
Ad-hoc Networks - 10CS841/10IS841
Web 2.0 and Rich Internet Applications - 10IS832/10CS832
Software Testing - 10CS842
Network Management Systems - 10CS834/10IS834
Services Oriented Architecture - 10CS844/10IS844
Information and Network Security - 10CS835/10IS835
10CS845/10IS845 Clouds, Grids and Clusters
10CS836/10IS836 Microcontroller-Based Systems
10CS846 Multi-core Architecture and Programming
am not able to download the question papers
ReplyDeleteWhy are there no links.....
ReplyDeleteplease upload the storage area network question paper for 2010schme
ReplyDeleteplz upload cloud computing question papers of 2010 scheme!!!
ReplyDeleteNice one
ReplyDeleteplz send wireless and mobile coputing question papers
ReplyDeleteplz send wireless and mobile coputing question papers
ReplyDeleteof 2010 scheme