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Anna University Question Paper
B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, April/May 2014.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
EC2254-Linear Integrated Circuits
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Part A(10*2=20)
1.List any two advantages of ICS over discete components.
2.Define slew state.
3.What is a voltage follower?
4.Draw the circuit diagram of peak detector.
5.State the operation of a basic PLL.
6.What is the need for frequency synthesizer?
7.What is a sample/hold circuit?
8.Give the two advantages of SA type ADC.
9.List the two type of multivibrators.
10.What is an opto-coupler?
11.a)Explain the construction of monolithic bipolar transistor,monolithic diode and integrated resistors. (16)
b)Explain the Integral circuit diagram of IC741.Discuss its AC and DC performance characteristics. (16)
12.a)With neat diagram explain logarithmic amplifier and antilogriyhmic amplifier.(16)
b) With neat diagram explain the application of op-amp as precision rectifier,clipper and clamper. (16)
13.a)Explain the working of Analog multiplier using emitter coupled transistor pair .Discuss the applications of analog multiplier IC. (16)
b)Explain the application of PLL as AM detection ,FM detection and FSK demodulation.(16)
14.a)Explain weighted resistor type and R-2R Ladder type DAC. (16)
b)Explain Flash type ,Single type and Dual slope type ADC. (16)
15.a) With neat diagram explain IC723 General Purpose regulator. (16)
b)Explain in detail voltage to frequency and frequency to voltage converters. (16)