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VTU Biotechnology Semester Question Papers - BE / B.Tech

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Visvesvaraya Technological University - VTU University question papers for Biotechnology Engineering - BT department/branch semester examination. Download old papers, solved question banks with answer, important questions with answers, Model question papers, important 16 marks and 2 marks questions with answer, syllabus, scheme, notes, reference book for each subject for B.E / B.Tech 2010, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 regulation for VTU university Bangalore, Belagavi, Kalaburagi, Mysore, Gulbarga and Belgaum affiliated colleges.

Find previous year questions papers listed subject wise below in the order first - 1st, second - 2nd, third - 3rd, fourth - 4th, fifth - 5th, sixth - 6th, seventh - 7th and eighth - 8th semesters. All documents are in PDF format for downloading.

Hope this will help you in getting good marks in your semester examination. ALL THE BEST.


First  & Second Semester: Click Here


1 17MAT31 Engineering Mathematics –III*
2 17BT32 Unit Operations
3 17BT33 Biochemistry
4 17BT34 Microbiology
5 17BT35 Cell Biology and Genetics
6 17BT36 Basics of Computer Applications
17MATDIP31 Additional Mathematics –I


1 17BT41 Biostatistics and Biomodeling
2 17BT42 Biochemical Thermodynamics
3 17BT43 Molecular Biology
4 17BT44 Bioprocess Principles & Calculations
5 17BT45 Structural Biology
6 17BT46 Clinical Biochemistry
17MATDIP41 Additional Mathematics –II


1 17BT51 Bio-Kinetics & Bioreaction Engineering
2 17BT52 Genetic Engineering & Applications
3 17BT53 Immunotechnology
4 17BT54 Bioinformatics
17BT551 Microbial Biotechnology
17BT561 Biology for Engineers
17BT552 Transport Phenomena
17BT562 Biomaterials
17BT553 Animal Biotechnology
17BT563 Biotechnology for Sustainable Environment
17BT554 Bioinstrumentation & Biosensors


1 17BT61 Bio-business and Entrepreneurship
2 17BT62 Bioprocess Control & Automation
3 17BT63 Enzyme Technology & Biotransformation
4 17BT64 Bioprocess Equipment Design & CAED
17BT651 Biomolecular Engineering
17BT661 Biological Data Management
17BT652 Advanced Microbiology
17BT662 Nano Biotechnology
17BT653 Cell Culture Techniques
17BT663 Good Manufacturing Practices
17BT654 Economics and Plant Design


1 17BT71 Fermentation Technology
2 17BT72 Genomics & Proteomics
3 17BT73 Plant Biotechnology
17BT741 Health Informatics
17BT751 Dairy Biotechnology
17BT742 Bioreactor Design Concepts
17BT752 Forensic Science
17BT743 Lab to Industrial Scaling
17BT753 Molecular Diagnostics
17BT744 Food Biotechnology
17BT754 Big Data Management


1 17BT81 Clinical & Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
2 17BT82 Regulatory affairs in Biotech Industry
17BT831 Protein Engineering and insilico drug design
17BT832 Metbolic Engineering
17BT833 Environmental Biotechnology


15MAT31 Engineering Mathematics - III

15MATDIP31 Additional Mathematics - I

    2 15BT32 Unit Operations
    3 15BT33 Biochemistry
    4 15BT34 Microbiology
    5 15BT35 Cell Biology and Genetics
    6 15BT36 Basics of Computer Applications


    1 15BT41 Biostatistics and Biomodeling
    2 15BT42 Biochemical Thermodynamics
    3 15BT43 Molecular Biology
    4 15BT44 Bioprocess Principles & Calculations
    5 15BT45 Structural Biology
    6 15BT46 Clinical Biochemistry
    15MAT41 Engineering Mathematics - IV

          SEMESTER V

          1 15BT51 Bio-Kinetics & Bioreaction Engineering
          2 15BT52 Genetic Engineering & Applications
          3 15BT53 Immunotechnology
          4 15BT54 Bioinformatics
          15BT551 Microbial Biotechnology
          15BT561 Biology for Engineers
          15BT552 Transport Phenomena
          15BT562 Biomaterials
          15BT553 Animal Biotechnology
          15BT563 Biotechnology for Sustainable Environment
          15BT554 Bioinstrumentation & Biosensors

          SEMESTER VI

          1 15BT61 Bio-business and Entrepreneurship
          2 15BT62 Bioprocess Control & Automation
          3 15BT63 Enzyme Technology & Biotransformation
          4 15BT64 Bioprocess Equipment Design & CAED
          15BT651 Biomolecular Engineering
          15BT661 Biological Data Management
          15BT652 Advanced Microbiology
          15BT662 Nano Biotechnology
          15BT653 Cell Culture Techniques
          15BT663 Good Manufacturing Practices
          15BT654 Economics and Plant Design

          SEMESTER VII

          1 15BT71 Fermentation Technology
          2 15BT72 Genomics & Proteomics
          3 15BT73 Plant Biotechnology
          15BT741 Health Informatics
          15BT751 Dairy Biotechnology
          15BT742 Bioreactor Design Concepts
          15BT752 Forensic Science
          15BT743 Lab to Industrial Scaling
          15BT753 Molecular Diagnostics
          15BT744 Food Biotechnology
          15BT754 Big Data Management


          1 15BT81 Clinical & Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
          2 15BT82 Regulatory affairs in Biotech Industry
          15BT831 Protein Engineering and insilico drug design
          15BT832 Metbolic Engineering
          15BT833 Environmental Biotechnology

          Third Semester - 3rd:

          Engineering Mathematics III- 10MAT31
          DEC / JAN 2014
          JUNE / JULY 2014

          10BT32 Introduction to Unit Operations
          10BT33 Human Physiology
          10BT34 Biochemistry
          10BT35 Microbiology
          10BT36 Cell Biology & Genetics

          Fourth Semester - 4th:

          10BT41 Biostatistics and Biomodeling
          10BT42 Biochemical Thermodynamics
          10BT43 Structural Biology
          10BT44 Molecular Biology
          10BT45 Basics of Computer Applications
          10BT46 Bioprocess Principles & Calculations

          Fifth Semester - 5th:

          10BT51 Management and Entrepreneurship
          10BT52 Biokinetics & Bioreaction Engg.
          10BT53 Biosensors & Bioinstrumentation
          10BT54 Immunotechnology
          10BT55 Genetic Engg. & Applications
          10BT56 Bioinformatics

          Sixth Semester - 6th:
          10BT61 Bioprocess Control & Automation
          10BT62 Clinical & Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
          10BT63 Enzyme Technology & Biotransformation
          10BT64 Genomics and Proteomics
          10BT65 Bioprocess Equipment Design & CAED
          10BT661 Animal BT 
          10BT662 Plant BT
          10BT663 Microbial BT 
          10BT664 Perl Programming
          10BT665 Transport Phenomena

          Seventh Semester - 7th:

          10BT71 Economics & Plant Design
          10BT72 Upstream Process Technology
          10BT73 Downstream Process Technology
          10BT74 Food Biotechnology
          10BT751 Aqua Culture & Marine BT
          10BT752 Dairy BT
          10BT753 Forensic Science
          10BT754 Data structures with C
          10BT755 Bioreactor Design Concepts
          10BT761 Biochips & Micro array Technology
          10BT762 Biomaterials
          10BT763 Health Diagnostics
          10BT764 Fundamentals of OS & DBMS
          10BT765 CAD & MATLAB

          Eight Semester - 8th:

          10BT81 Project Management & IPR
          10BT82 Bioethics & Biosafety
          10BT831 Nano BioTechnology
          Lab to Industrial Scaling - 10BT832
          JUNE / JULY 2014

          10BT833 Protein Engg. & Insilico Drug Design
          10BT834 Biomedical Instrumentation
          10BT835 Biomolecular Engineering
          10BT841 Environmental
          10BT842 Metabolic Engineering
          10BT843 Medical Informatics
          10BT844 Tissue Engineering
          10BT845 Facilitation, Validation & QC

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          1. Replies
            1. Wer are the question papers. ... can't find it. I want 10bt43

            2. Wer are the question papers for 10 bt 41 42 43 44 45 46

            3. Wer are the question papers. ... can't find it. I want 10bt43

          2. Waste of net space... Waste of time... Update the page or shut it down...
