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(Regulation/Scheme 2010)
Programming the Web - 10CS73
Seventh Semester - 7th
Computer Science Engineering - CSE
(Common to Information Science Engineering)
Question Bank
(Regulation/Scheme 2010)
Programming the Web - 10CS73
Seventh Semester - 7th
Computer Science Engineering - CSE
(Common to Information Science Engineering)
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10CS73:Web Programming
Question Bank
Fundamentals of Web:
1. What is WWW?
2. What are domain names? Explain domain name conversion with diagram 3.What are the difference between web browser and web server
4.Mention a few web servers. 5.What are URI, URL and URN? 6.What is a virtual host? 7.What is a proxy server?
8. Describe the purpose of the five most commonly used HTTP methods
9. What is the difference between a virus and a worm?
10. What is a plug-in?
11. What is XML? Explain features of XML
12. Explain web programmers tool BOX 13.Write a note on Ruby
14.Write a note on Rails 15.Write a note on MIME
16. What is HTTP?
17. Explain the following
a. What is the form of IP Address?
b. What is the task of DNS name server?
c. What is the purpose of telnet?
18. Brief about origins and evolution of Internet.
19. How do partial paths to documents work in web server? 20.What is hyper text? Explain HTTP in brief.
21. Explain the following
i) Virtual host
ii) Proxy Server
iii) Virtual document tree
22. What is the relation between Java and Javascript?
23. Explain the following
a. purpose of the Accept field in HTTP request
b. Why response header field is often required?
c. What important capability is lacking in markup language.
24. Differentiate between Web and Internet.
25. Explain tasks of DNS Name server.
26. What is XHTML? Explain the basic syntax.
27. What is the structure of XHTML document? Explain with an example
28. Explain HTML tags
29. What is a table tag? Explain all attributes of a table tag.
30. What are the difference between HTML and XHTML
31. Explain frame in HTML with example
32. What is a form tag? Explain with an
33. Design a HTML document with controls EmpID, EmpName and EmpAge 34. Explain lists in HTML(ordered list ,unordered lists and definition list)
35. What is the difference in the effect of paragraph tag, break tag and pre tag?
36. Write the difference between frames and forms. Create a simple frame set to display two pages at the same time.
37. Create a form to accept name, age, address, E-mail id and comments.
38. What is the document type declaration and why it is needed?
39. What is the role of HTML form? Create a simple form which accepts name, address location and comments, by writing HTML code.
40. Write HTML code to utilize
& its sub elements with their Properties. Cascading Style Sheets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40. What is the purpose of external style sheets? 41. What is the format of an external style sheet? 42. What is the purpose of the div tag? 43. Write a note on font properties. 44. Explain the Box Model with an example. 45. Create a CSS for any web site of your choice 46. Explain tag 47. What is the advantage of document-level style sheets over inline style sheets? 48. What is the purpose of external style sheets? What is format of external style sheets? 49. What are the five generic fonts used in style sheets? How to use a list font type property? 50. Why background images must be chosen with care? 51. What are the three ways color property values can be specified? 52. What is the purpose of and
tags? What layout information does a tag by itself indicate to the browser? 53. Create an external sheet for the chapters of the web programming text book. 54. What is a CSS? Describe the different levels of style sheets and their precedence. 55. List and explain the variety of selector forms with example. 56. Describe the different ways that styles can be added to a page with example. 57. What is a layer? 58. Describe briefly about defining your own styles. Java Script and HTML documents, Dynamic documents with Java Script ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59. Describe briefly three major differences between java and java script. 60. What are the uses of java script? 61. Explain primitive data types in java Script 62.What is NaN 63. Explain arrays in java script 64. What is pattern matching in java script 65.Explain screen input and output in java script 66. Explain the DOM structure of a document with figure 67. What is event handling? Explain any three events in java script 68. How do you handle events of text box and password elements 69.Write a java script program to validate login form 70. Write a java script program to validate password field 71.Write a java script program to validate Employee form 72. Describe the approach of to addressing XHTML elements by using getElementById. 73. Write a java script program to validate email ID and date field 74. What is the difference between exception handling and event handling? 75. Describe briefly three major differences between Java and Java script. 76. Describe briefly three major uses of Java script on the client side. 77. What are the two categories of properties in JavaScript? 78. Why does JavaScript have two categories of data variables, primitives and objects? 79. What purpose do rules of operator precedence and associativity serve in a programming language? 80. Describe the operation of prompt method. 81. What are the three possible forms of control expressions in JavaScript? 82. What is the difference between while and do. While statements? What are the semantics of break statement? 83. What is the difference between constructor in Java and in JavaScript? 84. Describe the two ways of the properties of an object can be referenced. 85. What is the one way in which primitive variables can be passed by reference to a function? 86. What is an event? What is event handler? How the events are handled? 87. Describe the approach to addressing XHTML elements using a) forms and elements b) name attributes 88. What are the advantages and disadvantages of assigning event handlers to properties? 89. What three things should be done when a form input element is found to have incorrectly formatted data? 90. Explain three phases of event processing in DOM2 event model. 91. Define and explain a dynamic XHTML document. 92. Describe all differences between three possible values of the position property. 93. What events can be used to change a font when cursor is moved over and away from the element? 94. Describe two ways to embed a java script in a XHTML document. Give example for each. 95. Explain string properties and methods in Javascript. 95. Write and test XHTML and Javascript files for reading three numbers using prompt to get each and output the largest of three numbers. 96. With an example, give the basic structure of a Java script. List the benefits and problem with Java script. 97. Explain basic array functions in Java script. 98. What are the benefits of Java script? With an example give the basic structure of a javascript. 99. Explain with example any four string functions used in java script. 100. Write and test a regular expression, which swaps the first two words of a string. PESIT (BSC).– Course Information BE.VII-Sem CS 10CS73 - 3 101. Create a simple HTML page which includes simple form write a script to extract the data from the form when the submit button is clicked. Display the extracted data in a new document. 102. Explain clearly the functioning of javascript key words new, this and dot operators. 103. What is an array? Write a script which accepts inputs from the user, stores all the strings in an array and then displays them in reverse order. 104. Write a script which contains the various types of loops. Print out the loop counter each that the script iterates. 105. List and explain various functions defined in the document object and window object of a Java script. 106. What are events in the Java Script? Explain, also list the eight javascript events. 107. What is a DOM? Describe the DOM structure for a simple document. 108. Describe the approach to addressing XHTML elements using (1) Forms and Elements (2) Name attribute (3) get Element by ID 109. What is an event and event handler? List any five most commonly used attributes related to events, tags that can include the attributes and circumstances under which the associated events are created. 110. A web page has two fields, to accept name and age of a person. Develop javascript to validate these fields. 111. What is an event? Describe different types of events. 112. Describe the properties and actions of the setTimeOut() function 113. Write a java script to change the color of text and font size when mouseout event occurs 114. What is CSS-P? 115. What is the difference between exception handling and event handling? XML------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 116. What is the goal of XML? 117. What is the main deficiency of HTML? 118. What are the tow primary keys of validating XML parser 119. What is XML? And explain the syntax. 120. Explain XML document structure with an example 121. What is DTD? Explain with an example. 122. Explain about displaying raw XML documents 123. Explain XSLT processing 124. What are XML processors? 125. What is XML names space? 126. What is SOAP? 127. What are the four categories of complex types in XML schema 128. Bring out differences in Goals of XML and Goals of HTML. 129. Explain the parsing of XML documents. 130. What is the purpose of DTD and explain how to find errors in DTD before it is used? 131. Explain three types that can be used to describe data in an element declaration. What are four possible parts of an attribute declaration in DTD? 132. What is a XML Namespace? Explain the usage in brief. 133. What are the advantages of XML schemas over DTD’s? 134. Explain the ultimate goals of Webservices. Describe three roles in Web Services. 135. What are the four categories of complex types in an XML Schema? 136. What is the purpose of DTD? Explain how elements, attributes are declared in DTD with an example. 137. Why would you use a CSS‐ style sheet for an XML documents? 138. Define the purpose of XSLT style sheet. How does an XSLT processor use an XSLT style sheet with an XML document? Perl, CGI Programming ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 139. What is PERL? List the benefits of it. 140. Write a PERL program which accepts strings as input from the user, stores all of the strings in an array, and then displays them in reverse order. 141. Explain three types of Perl variables 142. Explain arrays and associative arrays in Perl 143. Explain file input and out put in Perl 144. Explain built in array functions 145. Explain functions in Perl 146. What is CGI? Explain its working with figure 147. What is CGI.pm module? 148. What is a cookie? 149. With a diagram explain Perl DBI module. 150. List the six benefits of using CGI.pm rather than writing your own code. Introduction to PHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 151. What are the two modes of the PHP processor? 152. What are the syntax and semantics of the include contruct? 153. How can a variable be tested to determine whether it is bound? 154. How can you specify to the PHP processor that you want uses of unbound variables to be reported? 155. How many bytes are used to store a character in PHP? 156. What is coercion? 157. What are the three ways the value of a variable can be explicitly converted to a specific type? 158. What does chop function do? 159. What keys are used when an array is created but no keys are specified? 160. Explain the actions of the implode and explode functions. 161. How can a variable used outside a function be accessed by the function? 162. How can the value of a form element be accessed by a PHP script? 163. What does an fopen function return if it fails? 164. How can a cookie be created in PHP script? 165. How can a script determine whether a particular cookie exists? 166. How can a variable be saved in a session? Ruby and Rails ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167. What is one of the most common uses of Ruby? 168. What is the difference between the two kinds of string literals? 169. What does the string method replace do? 170. What values of a variable are considered true? 171. Describe what the for‐ in statement does. 172. What does the include ? method do? 173. What is the form of a hash literal? 174. When an access control violations for methods detected? 175. Explain what the each method does. 174.What is CGI.pm module? 175. What is a cookie? 176. For what is MVC an acronym? 176. What is generated with the generate controller script? 177. Why does a template file’s name have the .rhtml extension? 178. How are simple form data gotten by a form-processing action method? 179. How are the model files for the tables of a MySQL database created? 180. What does the has-many directive indicate to Rails? 181. Describe how concatenation operator for array works. 182. What does the belongs to directive indicate to Rails? 183. What numeric operators in C and Java are missing in Ruby? 184. Describe briefly an MVC application. 185. Describe briefly the ORM used by Rails