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Power Plant Engineering ME2403 MJ2014 6th Semester Question Paper

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Mechanical Engineering
3rd year 6th Semester
May /June 2014 Examination
Question Paper
ME2403-Power Plant Engineering

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Part A

1. What are the different sources of energy available for power generation ? How long they can least?
2. What do you understand by load duration curves?.
3. Explain any two types of surface condensers.
4. What is a pulversier and why it is used?
5. How do you cater for safety of nuclear power plant?
6. What are the factors to be considered in selecting turbines?
7. What are the different types of lubrication system in diesel power plant?
8. What is intercooling and why it is done?
9. What is OTEC?
10. What are fixed and operating costs?

Part B

11 a) Draw the complete layout of steam power plant and explain its major components.(16)
b) Explain the working principle of FBC with a neat sketch.Also discuss types of FBC systems. (16)

12 )a) Explain in detail about mechanical dust collector and electrostatic precipitator. Why both are used in a single unit in modern power plants?(16)
b) Draw and explain in detail about the construction and working principle of cooling towers.(16)

13) a) With neat sketch explain PWR,BWR(16)
b) What are the factors to be considered in selecting the site for the hydel plant?Explain the pumped storage plant with a neat sketch (16)

14) a) How do you select engine for a diesel power plant ?Draw a diesel power plant and explain its major components.(16)
b) With line diagrams explain the regeneration and reheat cycle .Also Discuss the effect on the efficiency due to these cycles.(16)

15)a) Explain the various methods of power generation from geothermal energy.(16)
b) What are the various costs involved in power plant? Discuss the economics in plant section.(16)

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